This is a beautiful poem that captures nature at its finest. The peacefulness and the solitude they had offered would instant fill their heart with pleasure- their heart would thus go dance along with the daffodils he had seen once. Lying on their couch languorously when broody or thoughtful, the image of the daffodils conjured up in their mind. In the final stanza, the persona is reminiscent and wistful. Stanza 4: For oft, when on my couch I lie The persona goes on to state how they had stared at the daffodils, unblinking, without realising their worth then. The persona, revealed to be the poet himself, states that he couldn’t help but partake in their infectious happiness. The waves from the ocean near the daffodils danced just like them, except, the daffodils were far better than them in their joy. That floats on high oer Vales and Hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden Daffodils Beside the Lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing. Stanza 3: The waves beside them danced but they At just a mere glance, the persona could spot ten thousand daffodils, dancing under the sun. Stanza 2: Continuous as the stars that shineĬontinuing on like the never-ending stars, the daffodils seemed to stretch forever. All of sudden, however, the persona sees a group of daffodils ‘Beside the lake, beneath the trees’, swaying with the breeze. This line hints at the solidarity that encompassed the persona. The poem begins with the persona comparing themself to a cloud that wandered lonely ‘o’er vales and hills’. That floats on high o'er vales and hills, Explanation of the Stanzas: Stanza 1: I wandered lonely as a cloud Famous works of his include ‘The Prelude’, ‘The Solitary Reaper’, and ‘Ode to Duty’. He is famed for being one of the founders of Romanticism. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an eminent English poet.