Specifications: MSI X99A, Intel Core i7 6900K Octa-Core 3. Players in your game: Between mostly 0, and occasionally 3. Host or Client: Host (Reapers spawn fine when I help friends or random players) Images / Videos: The lack of a Reaper isn’t easily shown on screenshots, but if required I can provide a screen of zone level 25 with 7 rivals spawned as often as desired. Play 360+ hours of farming almost exclusively the same region constantly spawning rivals with the zone level primarily at level 24-25. Steps To Reproduce: The issue is ongoing.

I have taken all the precautions suggested in other threads here and on steam (and made a bug report via steam forums on the 25th of March with a non-short description). First rival I spawned was the Reaper instead, and on my own file it hasn’t spawned since.
Good luck hunting for those guns and attachments.Description: Reaper has not spawned more than once since the update dropped them into the game.
I mainly wanted to make this to clarify the specific nature of this achievement, but figured no other guide is on here so may as well share how to get what you need. ago Don't worry, most of the weapon you found on the ground are bad, go loot some weapon crate or ennemy and you will get a shotgun fast. So you could try that if you are sick of running around doing this like I wise. Generation Zero Survival game Gaming 8 comments Best Add a Comment ProfessionalSimple49 1 yr. I had a few options where I was just missing either the gun or an attachment for a gun, and I decided to make a LFG post on the Xbox asking if someone had the attachment I could have and that worked out eventually, someone messaged me and gave me the HP5 extended magazine I needed. That's basically all you can really do in hopes to get this achievement on your own. So it would probably be best to do a loot run of these areas and then proceed to run around the regions to look for machines to kill. The loot in this game does respawn, but it takes several hours of time spent in the game. There may be some other good areas I'm unaware of, but these are some good ones I know of.

Some decent places to loot are The green buildings at Norrmyra Artillery Base, the living quarters of Hermelinen Command Bunker, and if you have the DLC all of the Readiness Storage places on Himfjall Island. There are green boxes that are slightly smaller that just contain ammo, the ones that are a bit bigger can have weapon attachments in them. When it comes to looting you will just want to be on the lookout for the big wooden boxes that will have weapons in them, and the bigger green boxes. When they level up to 4 I would target them as well to have a chance to get what you need. As you kill machines rivals will spawn eventually, and as you keep killing machines they will level up to a maximum of level 4. When it comes to machines, try to target any Tanks and Harvesters you find. Of course you will want to be in one of the more end game areas like the Marshlands or Himfjall Island, assuming you have the DLC, when you do this. To obtain these things you will have to just kill a bunch of machines and do a lot of looting. Any of the other level 5 weapons and all the attachments is pure RNG. You can get a guaranteed level 5 AI-76 rom the main mission The Enemy of My Enemy on the boat that you retrieve the device from, and a guaranteed level 5 HP5 from the main mission Empty Spaces in one of the safes in Von Ulmer's house. Any other weapon will not work due to them not having a attachment available in one or more slots. So the only guns that you can get this achievement with are the following AI-76, Automatgevär 4, Automatgevär 5, M/46 "Kpist" SMG, HP5, Kvm 59 Machine Gun, and the Kvm 89 Squad Automatic Weapon. So that's why I say it's either an oversight or they were just plain evil with this achievement. This is because there was no muzzle attachment equipped, but there are no muzzle attachments that you can even get for this gun. For example, I had a level 5 Pansarvärnsgevär 90 with a level 5 magazine and scope attached, but no achievement.

Secondly, it has to be a weapon that can, excluding vision module, actually have an attachment go into each slot. These weapons will not unlock the achievement, I had an Experimental AG4 with all level 5 attachments and the achievement would not unlock. First of all, some point in an update they added some new weapons you can get that are experimental versions and are level 6.

Probably an oversight by the developers, or they were just evil I don't know which. So this achievement is a bit specific with how to unlock it.